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Qingdao Sanweihe Redesigns its Flow Pack Wrapper

publisherHarry Bian


Qingdao Sanweihe redesigns its flow pack wrapper for consumer needs
Sanweihe redesigns its flow pack wrapper

Qingdao Sanweihe  Packaging is constantly listening to its customers in order to focus on continuous improvement. This is reflected in the development of its packaging machines. Qingdao Sanweihe’s aim is to achieve significant increases in machine performance in order to find the most suitable solution for every need.

Qingdao Sanweihe  Packaging has made several changes to its flow pack wrapper, giving it a new level of performance, which makes this machine a very attractive packaging solution for sectors such as produce.

One of the most notable improvements is the redesign of the cross sealing jaw station. The new system gives more robustness, stability and more importantly: increased speed.


The new sealing head design can easily achieve speeds of up to 125 packs/min which provides an increase in productivity of between 20% and 25%.


Another improvement is the new operator interface incorporated within the wrapper. The previous PLC has been replaced by an operator interface powered by an industrial PC (UPC) also developed entirely by Qingdao Sanweihe Machinery Packaging.



It is an embedded industrial PC which allows more precise control of the axes and movements. This increased accuracy allows a higher flow which gives above mentioned higher speed.


In turn, the UPC gives the flow packing machine certain advantages not offered by its previous PLC:


With this new Packaging adds an efficient and productive packaging system to its existing catalogue of packaging machines, thus responding to the requirements of its customers.

Date of occurrence:2017-05-14